Sentado sobre un césped perfecto es el caso de muchas personas sueñan , pero detrás de los costos de mantenimiento no se puede ignorar : De acuerdo con la Universidad de California en Irvine, informes de investigación , manteniendo un metros cuadrado grande de césped 20 , aproximadamente 80.003 al año mil litros de agua ( una considerable cantidad de agua que una persona vive un año ), además de un césped el uso de combustible y las emisiones de carbono cortadora de residuos - esto no es realmente verde del medio ambiente . Además pesticidas y fertilizantes y el uso de agentes resistentes a los insectos en última instancia al mar a través del suelo, la contaminación del ecosistema marino , comer en el cuerpo , al parecer los movimientos minúsculos , probablemente afectarán a las generaciones venideras.
TurfSoccer es de césped artificial a través de organismo internacional de certificación SGS la certificación ambiental de los productos , seguro y no tóxico , TurfSoccer también tiene un cierto grado de resistencia a la llama , no se desvanecen , libre de mantenimiento , los mosquitos no se mueven , no causa alergias en la piel , no sólo puede salvar anualmente altos costos de mantenimiento del césped y los cargos de agua , los materiales utilizados son reciclables. Después de cada instalación completa TurfSoccer la vida de más de 12 años, también disfrutó de cinco años de garantía de fábrica.
Así que no te importa gastar en el mantenimiento del césped y puede ahorrar considerables gastos de reparación. césped artificial es tan duro para promover los materiales de construcción verde.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Wuxi TurfSoccer césped artificial oportuna introducción TurfSoccer TurfSoccer césped artificial
Con el rápido desarrollo de la vida económica , las condiciones de vida pública también está aumentando , no sólo son bellas , sino también a la protección del medio ambiente. En este contexto , Wuxi TurfSoccer césped artificial oportuna introducción TurfSoccer TurfSoccer césped artificial , a fin de satisfacer el deseo del público para disfrutar de la primavera. TurfSoccer un patio de césped artificial césped artificial verde, TurfSoccer césped artificial adherirse al desarrollo del concepto de la armonía entre el hombre y la naturaleza, siempre ha sido la búsqueda de entorno creativo , el objetivo final de la integración del pensamiento y natural, lleno de los propietarios de todavía estética con una personalidad distinta .
El último jardín manera internacional moda verde
Debido al verde patio tradicional no sólo los costes de mantenimiento relativamente elevados , las plagas más importantes , fertilización, plaguicidas, hojas caídas y ramas para producir un espacio relativamente grande , como el hogar , pequeña contaminación, y está interesada en la mayoría de las personas, especialmente los ancianos y los niños causan alergias en la piel y otros riesgos de salud adversos. Con el desarrollo y el progreso de la ciencia y la tecnología moderna, los materiales plásticos respetuosos del medio ambiente con el modelado realista de flores y árboles artificiales y césped llegó a existir , vivo, artificial realista juzgar por su aspecto , apenas se puede distinguir de flores naturales. En los balcones de la familia y patios verdes jardines en lugar de dejar a construir oxígeno, flores y césped artificial tiene ventajas incomparables de plantas reales en la familia verde. Esta es la familia en los últimos años en Europa y es ampliamente respetado los Estados Unidos y la bienvenida a una nueva vía verde . El verde no sólo al aire libre de segunda mano, pero también se puede utilizar en interiores , lo que hace que nuestra habitación puede tener la belleza de la naturaleza. En particular , las ventajas del césped artificial también se refleja en los bajos costos de mantenimiento, y la primavera durante todo el año , que es precisamente para compensar la falta de plantas naturales Four Seasons transforman .
Diseño y construcción de las ventajas del césped artificial TurfSoccer
Shenzhen TurfSoccer césped artificial de producción limitada de césped artificial hecha de materiales de seda de césped de alta calidad importados , garantía de calidad . La empresa cuenta con un diseño profesional y equipo de construcción , diferentes espacios para cada uno de las características del cliente y las necesidades individuales , bien diseñados y bien construido. El uno instalado después TurfSoccer completa vida útil del césped de más de 12 años, sino también disfrutar de la garantía del fabricante de 6 años .
La razón por la company'm para la garantía de calidad , la empresa no sólo tiene excelentes materias primas de fibra de hierba , también ha desarrollado unos estándares de construcción muy sistemáticos , incluidos los requisitos básicos , normas de construcción , accesorios de llenar los estándares , criterios de aceptación , los estándares de mantenimiento. En el proceso de construcción de sedes césped artificial , además de las fibras de hierba de alta calidad necesarias también están hechos de la buena en el extremo de la tela , pegamento , equipo de producción , la calidad del producto terminado TurfSoccer césped artificial . Y por lo tanto la elección de buenos materiales , el uso de los equipos profesionales , la construcción de los trabajadores profesionales de la construcción , y se esfuerzan por alcanzar la perfección en la llanura del césped , la firmeza , la permeabilidad, y en última instancia a los clientes a diseñar el pavimento durable, Royalton EE.UU. Huan TurfSoccer artificial turf . Al mismo tiempo, también ganó el reconocimiento y el aprecio de los clientes.
El último jardín manera internacional moda verde
Debido al verde patio tradicional no sólo los costes de mantenimiento relativamente elevados , las plagas más importantes , fertilización, plaguicidas, hojas caídas y ramas para producir un espacio relativamente grande , como el hogar , pequeña contaminación, y está interesada en la mayoría de las personas, especialmente los ancianos y los niños causan alergias en la piel y otros riesgos de salud adversos. Con el desarrollo y el progreso de la ciencia y la tecnología moderna, los materiales plásticos respetuosos del medio ambiente con el modelado realista de flores y árboles artificiales y césped llegó a existir , vivo, artificial realista juzgar por su aspecto , apenas se puede distinguir de flores naturales. En los balcones de la familia y patios verdes jardines en lugar de dejar a construir oxígeno, flores y césped artificial tiene ventajas incomparables de plantas reales en la familia verde. Esta es la familia en los últimos años en Europa y es ampliamente respetado los Estados Unidos y la bienvenida a una nueva vía verde . El verde no sólo al aire libre de segunda mano, pero también se puede utilizar en interiores , lo que hace que nuestra habitación puede tener la belleza de la naturaleza. En particular , las ventajas del césped artificial también se refleja en los bajos costos de mantenimiento, y la primavera durante todo el año , que es precisamente para compensar la falta de plantas naturales Four Seasons transforman .
Diseño y construcción de las ventajas del césped artificial TurfSoccer
Shenzhen TurfSoccer césped artificial de producción limitada de césped artificial hecha de materiales de seda de césped de alta calidad importados , garantía de calidad . La empresa cuenta con un diseño profesional y equipo de construcción , diferentes espacios para cada uno de las características del cliente y las necesidades individuales , bien diseñados y bien construido. El uno instalado después TurfSoccer completa vida útil del césped de más de 12 años, sino también disfrutar de la garantía del fabricante de 6 años .
La razón por la company'm para la garantía de calidad , la empresa no sólo tiene excelentes materias primas de fibra de hierba , también ha desarrollado unos estándares de construcción muy sistemáticos , incluidos los requisitos básicos , normas de construcción , accesorios de llenar los estándares , criterios de aceptación , los estándares de mantenimiento. En el proceso de construcción de sedes césped artificial , además de las fibras de hierba de alta calidad necesarias también están hechos de la buena en el extremo de la tela , pegamento , equipo de producción , la calidad del producto terminado TurfSoccer césped artificial . Y por lo tanto la elección de buenos materiales , el uso de los equipos profesionales , la construcción de los trabajadores profesionales de la construcción , y se esfuerzan por alcanzar la perfección en la llanura del césped , la firmeza , la permeabilidad, y en última instancia a los clientes a diseñar el pavimento durable, Royalton EE.UU. Huan TurfSoccer artificial turf . Al mismo tiempo, también ganó el reconocimiento y el aprecio de los clientes.
Monday, September 30, 2013
hierba paisaje características del producto
Con la mejora continua de la calidad de los requisitos de la vida y del medio ambiente , el uso de césped artificial en lugar del patio , balcón, jardines de infancia , los aeropuertos , la vivienda, el tejado , área para mascotas más ampliamente. El TurfSoccer mascota simulación hierba y alta , para los animales domésticos andno daños al medio ambiente circundante , fácil de limpiar , durable , mascota amorosa para crear un entorno de belleza natural , para crear un ambiente de diversión para las familias ;
hierba paisaje características del producto :
Restaurar completamente el césped natural es suave cómodas , colores naturales;
Todos los productos importados equipos mechones y hecho por el pegamento de secado a alta temperatura , para garantizar que los productos de la durabilidad en exteriores de hasta cinco años;
Resistencia a la intemperie , con características resistentes al UV , no desapareciendo ;
hierba paisaje sin fertilización la desinfestación , siega, el costo de mantenimiento de menos de 5 % del césped natural ;
Contaminación del medio ambiente , como el reciclaje de residuos ordinarios , la acumulación o la incineración ;
Techo , patio, área de juegos, área de actividad del animal doméstico puede ser utilizado para la decoración de interior y al aire libre ;
hierba paisaje es fácil de instalar , el pegamento especial sólo para completar la instalación , ni la superficie de cimentación especial ;
Requisitos , se puede instalar en varios materiales como el cemento , asfalto , madera, superficie de metal.
Esta serie de productos también puede proporcionar múltiples césped deportivo de acuerdo con las características de los diferentes deportes para asegurar que la premisa del movimiento , el rendimiento de seguridad , restaurar completamente hierba natural es suave, cómodo, colores naturales y otras características de altamente resistente al desgaste , rendimiento de alto rebote , tiempo . De acuerdo con las necesidades de los diferentes lugares, hay muchos modelos para elegir en esta serie.
En los últimos años , con el continuo desarrollo de la industria del césped sintético , ocio césped artificial en el mundo en varios campos ha sido también una buena obra de teatro, su excelente rendimiento y plasticidad al diseñadores imaginación e inspiración creativa. Los países desarrollados de Europa y los Estados Unidos , la demanda de hierba paisaje fue un salto de año en año en su única simulación de alta , de alta resistencia al desgaste , anti -envejecimiento y estabilidad de color para el usuario, la llegada de un sentimiento más feliz y cómodo !
hierba paisaje características del producto :
Restaurar completamente el césped natural es suave cómodas , colores naturales;
Todos los productos importados equipos mechones y hecho por el pegamento de secado a alta temperatura , para garantizar que los productos de la durabilidad en exteriores de hasta cinco años;
Resistencia a la intemperie , con características resistentes al UV , no desapareciendo ;
hierba paisaje sin fertilización la desinfestación , siega, el costo de mantenimiento de menos de 5 % del césped natural ;
Contaminación del medio ambiente , como el reciclaje de residuos ordinarios , la acumulación o la incineración ;
Techo , patio, área de juegos, área de actividad del animal doméstico puede ser utilizado para la decoración de interior y al aire libre ;
hierba paisaje es fácil de instalar , el pegamento especial sólo para completar la instalación , ni la superficie de cimentación especial ;
Requisitos , se puede instalar en varios materiales como el cemento , asfalto , madera, superficie de metal.
Esta serie de productos también puede proporcionar múltiples césped deportivo de acuerdo con las características de los diferentes deportes para asegurar que la premisa del movimiento , el rendimiento de seguridad , restaurar completamente hierba natural es suave, cómodo, colores naturales y otras características de altamente resistente al desgaste , rendimiento de alto rebote , tiempo . De acuerdo con las necesidades de los diferentes lugares, hay muchos modelos para elegir en esta serie.
En los últimos años , con el continuo desarrollo de la industria del césped sintético , ocio césped artificial en el mundo en varios campos ha sido también una buena obra de teatro, su excelente rendimiento y plasticidad al diseñadores imaginación e inspiración creativa. Los países desarrollados de Europa y los Estados Unidos , la demanda de hierba paisaje fue un salto de año en año en su única simulación de alta , de alta resistencia al desgaste , anti -envejecimiento y estabilidad de color para el usuario, la llegada de un sentimiento más feliz y cómodo !
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
TurfSoccer Hockey FIH artificial lawn obtain certification recommendation
TurfSoccer Hockey FIH artificial lawn obtain certification recommendation
Recently, TurfSoccer company registration through the International Hockey Federation certification, the production of hockey artificial lawn to get FIH (FIH) global recommendations for various domestic and international level competitions.
As China Hockey Grass drafting of national standards, one of TurfSoccer's hockey artificial lawn for "independent innovation products, Guangdong Province", known for good water retention, permeability, high durability and excellent weather resistance is known in the industry. TurfSoccer hockey grass several times through the International Hockey Federation (FIH) certification for the Olympic Games, the World Cup and other international competitions, it has already been applied to the Beijing Olympics training venue, the Guangzhou Asian Games professional venues, Beijing Lu City Sports School Hockey (indoor hockey rink), Dalian aviation school hockey games, as well as the training base in Shenzhen Tigongdadui Beacon Hill is being laid in Gansu Lintao national Asian altitude training base in Jiangsu Wujin national hockey and lacrosse training base.
Future, TurfSoccer will be innovation, strive to create national brand, and constantly improve product quality, and strive to improve the service network to better service return to the community and its users.
Recently, TurfSoccer company registration through the International Hockey Federation certification, the production of hockey artificial lawn to get FIH (FIH) global recommendations for various domestic and international level competitions.
As China Hockey Grass drafting of national standards, one of TurfSoccer's hockey artificial lawn for "independent innovation products, Guangdong Province", known for good water retention, permeability, high durability and excellent weather resistance is known in the industry. TurfSoccer hockey grass several times through the International Hockey Federation (FIH) certification for the Olympic Games, the World Cup and other international competitions, it has already been applied to the Beijing Olympics training venue, the Guangzhou Asian Games professional venues, Beijing Lu City Sports School Hockey (indoor hockey rink), Dalian aviation school hockey games, as well as the training base in Shenzhen Tigongdadui Beacon Hill is being laid in Gansu Lintao national Asian altitude training base in Jiangsu Wujin national hockey and lacrosse training base.
Future, TurfSoccer will be innovation, strive to create national brand, and constantly improve product quality, and strive to improve the service network to better service return to the community and its users.
Monday, September 9, 2013
New season Ligue number of artificial turf is rising
Rooted in French
New season Ligue number of artificial turf is rising, Lorient and Nancy have joined the ranks of man-made and new things will naturally arouse curiosity , Captain Morrell said: "This is a need to adapt to these questions and we will only think of artificial turf this topic before , but I'm not a supporter of this turf . " sounds rather like an angry words after losing to become the winner of the nice coach Eric Roy explains:" in the face of this venue played a very good opponent, we need to take the game way they are used , with the high- pass control of the game . "
Whether playing on the artificial turf requires special techniques ?洛里昂后卫勒朗said: " In this field , we should pay close attention to the ball rebound speed, because the speed of the ball after landing will soon For those who like to attack , good offensive team will have some advantages ." Nice midfielder Sable special emphasis bouncing ball exceptions. "Bounce the ball did not follow the law , such as we have lost the ball , the goalkeeper blocked the line of sight is not false , but more deadly is the ball bounce in front of goal ."
For a long time on the artificial turf training and competition , whether it be health professional players have a negative impact ? Lorient coach Christian Gourcuff did not think so : " As long as we are serious play, there would be no problem ." Nice coach Roy is more cautious : "The players in this game so I have some turf worry , I will go back to check their adductor muscle , how to look at the situation . " players Lelan agree: " It's still early, we played a 1 and a half hours do not see much problem, we need a long observation . "
Coincidentally, Nancy is also the new season 's first home was Rennes 3-0 drubbing . Media commented: " To win the game had kicked out of high quality , rather than relying on artificial turf." But this victory has not changed Rennes coach Antonetti opposition to artificial turf . In his opinion , artificial turf changed the content and quality of the game , he had to change tactics according to the characteristics of the turf . Rennes frontcourt accomplish the mission , but they also revealed the dissatisfaction on artificial turf . Dalmatian said: "I am very happy to be able to return to natural grass , do not have the entire season on the artificial turf race ." Striker Montano 'd told the truth : "The competition is very fast, we can use this forward ."
Nancy defender who obviously does not disagree with this statement , they are difficult to man-mark and chasing rivals to maintain body balance , standing room only defense, rely more on pre-judgment. As can be seen from a number of guards on the artificial turf of fear : the audience add up to only two times the two teams tackles ! For Nancy players, turf will change what kind of impact , they also can not be fully predicted, but one thing is for sure : artificial turf has changed the face of the game . Nancy club president Xilusiluo attitude is very clear: "No matter how , artificial turf has been put into use , so we have to give more consideration and resolution of problems , because it is the future ."
But Antonetti do not think so : "I bet Nancy will soon return to natural turf ."
New season Ligue number of artificial turf is rising, Lorient and Nancy have joined the ranks of man-made and new things will naturally arouse curiosity , Captain Morrell said: "This is a need to adapt to these questions and we will only think of artificial turf this topic before , but I'm not a supporter of this turf . " sounds rather like an angry words after losing to become the winner of the nice coach Eric Roy explains:" in the face of this venue played a very good opponent, we need to take the game way they are used , with the high- pass control of the game . "
Whether playing on the artificial turf requires special techniques ?洛里昂后卫勒朗said: " In this field , we should pay close attention to the ball rebound speed, because the speed of the ball after landing will soon For those who like to attack , good offensive team will have some advantages ." Nice midfielder Sable special emphasis bouncing ball exceptions. "Bounce the ball did not follow the law , such as we have lost the ball , the goalkeeper blocked the line of sight is not false , but more deadly is the ball bounce in front of goal ."
For a long time on the artificial turf training and competition , whether it be health professional players have a negative impact ? Lorient coach Christian Gourcuff did not think so : " As long as we are serious play, there would be no problem ." Nice coach Roy is more cautious : "The players in this game so I have some turf worry , I will go back to check their adductor muscle , how to look at the situation . " players Lelan agree: " It's still early, we played a 1 and a half hours do not see much problem, we need a long observation . "
Coincidentally, Nancy is also the new season 's first home was Rennes 3-0 drubbing . Media commented: " To win the game had kicked out of high quality , rather than relying on artificial turf." But this victory has not changed Rennes coach Antonetti opposition to artificial turf . In his opinion , artificial turf changed the content and quality of the game , he had to change tactics according to the characteristics of the turf . Rennes frontcourt accomplish the mission , but they also revealed the dissatisfaction on artificial turf . Dalmatian said: "I am very happy to be able to return to natural grass , do not have the entire season on the artificial turf race ." Striker Montano 'd told the truth : "The competition is very fast, we can use this forward ."
Nancy defender who obviously does not disagree with this statement , they are difficult to man-mark and chasing rivals to maintain body balance , standing room only defense, rely more on pre-judgment. As can be seen from a number of guards on the artificial turf of fear : the audience add up to only two times the two teams tackles ! For Nancy players, turf will change what kind of impact , they also can not be fully predicted, but one thing is for sure : artificial turf has changed the face of the game . Nancy club president Xilusiluo attitude is very clear: "No matter how , artificial turf has been put into use , so we have to give more consideration and resolution of problems , because it is the future ."
But Antonetti do not think so : "I bet Nancy will soon return to natural turf ."
Thursday, August 22, 2013
What should be considered the best artificial grass?
What should be considered the best artificial grass?
artificial grass depends primarily on the quality and longevity of grass fiber quality. Poor quality grass fibers to UV light, temperature changes, acid rain and other environments easily become brittle, weathered (the industry called "fibrosis"), after stepping into a powder form easily after being inhaled exerciser, it will seriously affect the health.
Quality artificial grass is not a simple in structure, different from the traditional mesh monofilament grass fibers or chips, but in function with such anti-aging, anti-UV, etc., in line with GB / T 20394-2006 "sporting artificial Turf national standard "and the German DIN testing standards by 6000 small-time irradiation and aging tests to be considered as the best artificial grass.
Not long ago, Swedish scientists over a long period of research and testing to prove that the use of artificial grass, compared with the use of natural turf, does not increase the risk of injury athletes. Performance of a new generation of wire grass is very close to natural grass, with good moisture, sand features to improve the stability of the entire site, which can reduce the athletes during exercise due to skin abrasions resulting from lying on the ground, and can give athletes ankle to provide maximum protection.
artificial grass depends primarily on the quality and longevity of grass fiber quality. Poor quality grass fibers to UV light, temperature changes, acid rain and other environments easily become brittle, weathered (the industry called "fibrosis"), after stepping into a powder form easily after being inhaled exerciser, it will seriously affect the health.
Quality artificial grass is not a simple in structure, different from the traditional mesh monofilament grass fibers or chips, but in function with such anti-aging, anti-UV, etc., in line with GB / T 20394-2006 "sporting artificial Turf national standard "and the German DIN testing standards by 6000 small-time irradiation and aging tests to be considered as the best artificial grass.
Not long ago, Swedish scientists over a long period of research and testing to prove that the use of artificial grass, compared with the use of natural turf, does not increase the risk of injury athletes. Performance of a new generation of wire grass is very close to natural grass, with good moisture, sand features to improve the stability of the entire site, which can reduce the athletes during exercise due to skin abrasions resulting from lying on the ground, and can give athletes ankle to provide maximum protection.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Depth filled synthetic grass or rubber particles of quartz sand filling depth selected
In the United States, the majority of synthetic grass artificial grass fibers used in high-grade material is nylon material, but also the use of multiple fibers, rather than filling sand synthetic grass can also be divided into two kinds of water seepage and impermeable. The lawn in shape resembles natural grass, partly with a layer of shock-absorbing foam cushion layer, shock-absorbing layer has a different density and thickness. As in the domestic real master synthetic grass laying technology manufacturers are small and they are mostly foreign technology, therefore, is not sufficient in the laying of sand synthetic grass, especially when laying shock-absorbing foam cushion layer must be done by the foreign experts. A layer of shock-absorbing foam underneath to smooth asphalt as a basis for the following also covered with asphalt gravel, sand and gravel as the basis of which the construction of the drainage system is the most critical part.
filled synthetic grass, synthetic grass choice of filler material is generally a filler sand or rubber particles, the mixture of the two is sometimes used in combination, the ratio of the two depending on the circumstances, and generally the mix ratio of 70 % +30% sand rubber particles. 100 percent in the past often used sand as a filler material, in order to increase the stability of the base of the lawn, but with synthetic grass manufacturing process matures, its basic manufacturing relative has been very perfect, so in the past in order to stabilize the sand filled turf practice has gradually been eliminated, synthetic grass, now filled with more ways to use 100% rubber particles. Filled sand or rubber particles are mostly medium-sized, and in filling it before the wash. For some larger impact strength sports such as football, soccer, etc., should be appropriately increased the proportion of rubber particles to minimize the athlete's injury. Impact strength for those small or no impact action, such as tennis courts, sports fields, as long as the space can be homogeneous hardness, less demanding of the buffer, so the choice of the filling material larger room.
Depth filled synthetic grass or rubber particles of quartz sand filling depth selected according to the purpose and the lawn of the high beam. For greater impact strength exercise, the choice of a longer leaf bundles filled with synthetic grass and deep filler, usually artificial turf soccer field suitable depth of fill from the tip 5mm; requirements for the formation of high homogeneity and good sports such as hockey, leaf bundles can be appropriately reduced, filling depth can be increased, even with the lawn surface flat. Pennsylvania State University study shows that artificial turf football field, football stadium rebound and surface hardness, to some extent filled by the filler type and depth control.
synthetic grass drainage design and some synthetic grass design of drainage systems, lawn permeable cushion, the base layer in the design of drainage channels, the construction of such structure is more complex lawn, a higher cost. However, some systems did not design the drainage system, it would have to rely on the natural slope of the surface drainage, and therefore require a higher surface construction. Before the construction of the synthetic grass, turf quality and economy in order to ensure effective, these four factors should be the main consideration. In addition to these four main factors, there are other factors such as primary treatment, bonding adhesive for selection. In short, the actual project construction, various factors should be invested with the investment side of the economy, characteristics and other factors, the actual use of the lawn fully integrated with scientific theory and technology as the basis, the greatest degree of realization of economic, applicable and effective principle.
filled synthetic grass, synthetic grass choice of filler material is generally a filler sand or rubber particles, the mixture of the two is sometimes used in combination, the ratio of the two depending on the circumstances, and generally the mix ratio of 70 % +30% sand rubber particles. 100 percent in the past often used sand as a filler material, in order to increase the stability of the base of the lawn, but with synthetic grass manufacturing process matures, its basic manufacturing relative has been very perfect, so in the past in order to stabilize the sand filled turf practice has gradually been eliminated, synthetic grass, now filled with more ways to use 100% rubber particles. Filled sand or rubber particles are mostly medium-sized, and in filling it before the wash. For some larger impact strength sports such as football, soccer, etc., should be appropriately increased the proportion of rubber particles to minimize the athlete's injury. Impact strength for those small or no impact action, such as tennis courts, sports fields, as long as the space can be homogeneous hardness, less demanding of the buffer, so the choice of the filling material larger room.
Depth filled synthetic grass or rubber particles of quartz sand filling depth selected according to the purpose and the lawn of the high beam. For greater impact strength exercise, the choice of a longer leaf bundles filled with synthetic grass and deep filler, usually artificial turf soccer field suitable depth of fill from the tip 5mm; requirements for the formation of high homogeneity and good sports such as hockey, leaf bundles can be appropriately reduced, filling depth can be increased, even with the lawn surface flat. Pennsylvania State University study shows that artificial turf football field, football stadium rebound and surface hardness, to some extent filled by the filler type and depth control.
synthetic grass drainage design and some synthetic grass design of drainage systems, lawn permeable cushion, the base layer in the design of drainage channels, the construction of such structure is more complex lawn, a higher cost. However, some systems did not design the drainage system, it would have to rely on the natural slope of the surface drainage, and therefore require a higher surface construction. Before the construction of the synthetic grass, turf quality and economy in order to ensure effective, these four factors should be the main consideration. In addition to these four main factors, there are other factors such as primary treatment, bonding adhesive for selection. In short, the actual project construction, various factors should be invested with the investment side of the economy, characteristics and other factors, the actual use of the lawn fully integrated with scientific theory and technology as the basis, the greatest degree of realization of economic, applicable and effective principle.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Domestic synthetic turf is expected within eight years instead of natural grass
Domestic synthetic turf is expected within eight years instead of natural grass
TurfSoccer current domestic share information about the development of synthetic turf. Domestic synthetic turf is expected to replace the natural turf in eight years, to enter the official FIFA tournament. Chinese enterprises are also being strengthened cooperation with FIFA to promote the synthetic turf industry development in China.
synthetic turf having frequent use, maintenance cost, evergreen and other natural advantages. More importantly, synthetic turf is characterized by stable performance unmatched natural turf, which can help better football players on the field to play their own level.
As early as 2003, China synthetic turf had to enter the World Championship arena. Wang Qiang Xiang revealed that in the upcoming world cup less Mexican, Chinese enterprises will sponsor the construction of an artificial turf training ground.
Although the synthetic turf market continues to expand, but also limited to the school playground and the training field and other fields, in order to enter the official FIFA tournament, synthetic turf companies need to go a long way. Insiders say, synthetic turf sports properties and protection for athletes still need to improve on the present. Besides the traditional view of understanding for artificial turf FIFA also hinder its march an obstacle race. He said: "People accept the synthetic turf is a gradual process of habit. Next eight years will be a critical period."
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
artificial lawn average of five samples
artificial lawn average of five samples
Calculation artificial lawn5 samples the arithmetic mean, according to formula (R1) Total grate deviation rate:
(1) the formula. D_ deviation, F uniformly arithmetic mean of five samples, in units of Newtons (N);
F-sample extraction force, in Newtons (N);
If a deviation of the test results of the sample more than 30% of the sample test result is invalid, retest.
Annex C (normative) Determination of the coefficient of friction - sneakers France
A range
The method used in the laboratory or in the field Cao, test a variety of conditions with artificial lawn sports shoes and the coefficient of friction differential between the imagination.
2 Definitions
Frictional coefficient
Move the desired level sneakers pull Bao weight of the shoe and shoes which are subject to heavy pressure and mass ratios obtained. According to equation (1) calculated as follows:
(1) where:
ST-Friction coefficient:
F-moving force required level sports shoes, in F is just starts moving force of the shoe, in units of Newtons (N);
G-quality shoes and shoes are exposed mass of the weight and power of the doorpost obtained, in kilograms (kg).
2 friction coefficient difference
Coefficient of friction in different directions in several directions and the measured friction coefficient arithmetic mean of the absolute deviation.
3 Test Equipment
A shoe as a national standard 26 yards shoes, soles of rubber, sole thickness is 24, and flattened on the shoes.
Nylon band width of 2 24nn, a length of 1830.
3 barbell weight .34 kg, diameter 29c, 1c each side sticky thick vinyl foam.
4 Test Procedure
Monday, July 15, 2013
Clearly artificial turf and natural grass edge difference
Engage in green for decoration, the choice of what kind of lawn good? artificial turf which brand is good? Artificial turf, multi-purpose sports stadium and kindergartens in places. Compared to artificial turf, natural grass, artificial grass upfront investment than investment and large, which it needs from the Song Shi, transplant sod, fertilization, water, conservation, etc. a lot of manpower, material resources, and artificial grass will not have to consider these issues, only pave the venue, there is a fixed drains, on the line; small investment for a one-time, required less manpower and resources.
Clearly artificial turf and natural grass edge difference, artificial turf brand choice is a problem. So artificial turf which brand is good? We recommend Old Firm big brands. Generally survive decades of artificial turf brand and reputation are generally not poor, but to maintain a stable and old customers.
artificial turf which brand is good? TurfSoccer artificial turf, artificial turf production to focus on more than 20 years. TurfSoccer artificial turf firmly believe that efforts to build brands and product advantages, strict product quality.
Each new design artificial lawn Dutch imports are optional monofilament manufacturing, people touch up realistic and vivid, soft carpet surface, with good elasticity and the damping force can be the same as natural grass falling tone noise. Children need not worry about accidentally fell across the hard ground and skin abrasions, sweeping away the worries of parents and old people.
TurfSoccer artificial turf soft wear-resistant, cement, asphalt and other ground surface installation. Ideal for nursery school playground, roofs, balconies, and a variety of decoration style accommodation. More flexible and longevity. Some lawn introduction of the Dutch technical life of up to 10 years. artificial turf later maintenance very simple, low maintenance costs, rinse with water to remove dirt, but also do not fade, no deformation characteristics.
TurfSoccer lawn there is a very significant advantage in that it can be effectively advanced texture which does not rust when exposed to air, permeable, breathable, substantial frugal maintenance costs at a later stage. The average life of an ordinary domestic artificial turf 1.5-2 times. TurfSoccer artificial turf also introduced advanced scientific philosophy of life, not only can effectively alleviate the noise, vibration and stress. Also has a recyclable, processing and utilization of multiple, low-carbon environmental protection.
TurfSoccer artificial turf, as natural as TurfSoccer closer to natural grass. TurfSoccer baby home turf is the people, the kids playground paradise, it is garden construction, home decoration among a beautiful landscape.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
artificial grass market prospects are widely good
artificial grass originated in the United States in 1968, the invention of a military project, because of its special wear-resistant, can be frequently used, are widely used in football, baseball, soccer and other sports venues. It is estimated that the world's use of artificial grass has reached more than 200 million square meters, and the most widely used is the stadium.
In recent years, with the artificial grass in the manufacture of materials, weaving, and other aspects of the filler material and improve them with the difference between natural turf shrinking. In the 21st century, artificial grass used to rationalize its use in international competition has gradually been recognized. As FIFA President has decided, in 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa on allowing the use of third-generation artificial grass.
With sports and popular recreational sports in our country flourish, artificial turf stadium has become a symbol of modern sports facilities. In recent years, the National Stadium from school, kindergarten through community leisure venues have formed an increasingly strong trend.
Artificial grass products have been mostly used PU Backing materials and technologies that replace the ordinary bottom back, because high technical threshold, currently in the country only a few manufacturers can produce. MIE series of artificial grass is based on modern sports venues comfort requirements for design and manufacturing, he fully mimic natural grass, highlighting UV resistance, abrasion resistance and stiffness effects, the maximum range for a variety of sports venues. From professional venues, training venues to the public as well as medium and large institutions stadium, sports venues around the world has its role to play.
Currently, artificial grass has been well received by the school, organizational units, stadiums and other public places of all ages. Also, because the artificial grass carpet not only non-slip, dust, easy to clean, and the shape of real grass, a green feeling, now become a common upholstery, and get ordinary people's favorite, therefore, artificial grass market prospects are widely good, which is the domestic artificial grass manufacturers are constantly emerging, the reason for the rapid development of the industry.
Now the international community, such as Ajax, Real Madrid, AC Milan and other famous football clubs have artificial grass stadium. Development of artificial grass late start, mid-1990s, China began from abroad for the laying of artificial grass sports fields, some domestic enterprises have begun to develop production of artificial grass, artificial grass has now been widely recognized by everyone, Beijing Guoan, Shanghai Shenhua, Shandong Luneng Football Club has its own artificial grass stadium.
Friday, June 28, 2013
TurfSoccer Professional Soccer&Football Grass S50432-T
S50432(Professional Soccer/Football Grass)
Natural appearance
Made of FIFA approved Mono slide yarn
Diamond shaped monofilament
Thicker and more durable
Soft touching without skin abrasions
Minimize the frictional damage to the grass
Excellent anti-UV ability
Pile height 20-65mm
Yarn weight 10000 Dtex
Yarn type PE / Monofilament / 6 F
Color Dark Green, Lemon Green, Bi-color(Mixed)
Guarantee 6-8 years
This product information comes from
Friday, June 14, 2013
Analysis of synthetic grass on health hazards do?
Analysis of synthetic grass on health hazards do?
Before everywhere green lawn, a lot of parents do not worry kids to play at that level, worried about the bacteria on the grass too much contact with the child gets sick, which led to the child lost a lot of outdoor playful, all these years, those green lawn was gone, replaced by a synthetic grass, but it does not eliminate the appearance of the parents' concerns, but they are more worried about the artificial grass will be even greater harm to the child, and that the fact whether, as we had feared it ? Today we are Beijing synthetic grass Xiaobian just as we explain.
Before we worry about real grass will hurt the grass because those children are in contact with soil is very easy to breed bacteria, a child's immune system is low, easy to be infected sick, so do not worry. But the artificial grass is not the same, this production of materials from talking about it, we all know that synthetic grass is made with a chemical substance, which is the parents' fear of harm to the child's reason, but in fact the regular synthetic grass the use of chemical substances are harmless, not only that, these substances can effectively prevent the growth of bacteria, thus the composition of this grass lawn relatively fewer bacteria, and because such a lawn into one of You can prevent people from direct contact with the ground, thereby isolating the soil on the human body injury. And professionals also said now that the production of substances like very much, many aspects of life have applied to, so we do not have to worry.
However, although it will not hurt the body, but for security reasons, TurfSoccer suggest that you still have to pay attention to some, for example, to regularly clean up the lawn, the lawn to prevent problems as time goes by, and secondly to often to check the body, in fact, both whether they have used the lawn, this is supposed to do, just in case anyway you can, find a peace of mind thing!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Six-generation synthetic turf compared the development process
Six-generation synthetic turf compared the development process
synthetic turf is currently the most widely used in sports venues and a natural grass is very similar to the synthetic turf, this synthetic turf after years of development has now developed to the sixth generation, during which the people through continuous efforts, each generation of synthetic turf more than the previous generation has many advantages, but also the development of this synthetic turf and makes extensive use of sport in our country even faster pace of development, a lot of professional sports is also used in this material.
the development of synthetic turf can be divided into six generations, starting with the first generation of synthetic turf, turf for this person has a relatively large damage, burns on the skin, but also in the maintenance takes a lot of water, and its cost is also a lot of people can not accept. The second generation of synthetic turf; this material is mainly pp fiber grass, the second generation of synthetic turf and the first generation is basically the same, but the length of the grass is about 25mm. Third generation synthetic turf needs to be filled sand, relatively hard texture, the skin is a relatively large damage.
The fourth generation of the synthetic turf, the material and the third is very similar, but with a layer of an elastic layer has a certain elasticity, the height of about 60. Fifth generation; synthetic turf yarn every blade of grass is an independent body, you need to fill sand or rubber granules, texture is soft, the athlete's injury is relatively small. Sixth generation; every blade of grass is an independent body, soft on human damage is very small, with good elastic layer can improve the athlete in motion the level of play, increase the movement of the buffer, and is very similar to natural grass.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
artificial turf is to determine the quality of several major issues
It is understood that the shoes and turf interaction interface is appropriate and reliable site surface grip, ball rebound after touching the turf, annual consumption, as well as the maintenance of turf, artificial turf is to determine the quality of several major issues. In TurfSoccer's Professional Soccer & Football Grass S50435 products, for example, according to its turf unique filling system and shoes grip extent, controlled formation of extrusion, and generates secure grip force and soles fit, while its "spatial memory" Performance it is able to help the turf quickly reinstate the system, gives the best stretch of turf while maintaining consistent appearance. It is worth mentioning that, in abandoned tire rubber and other inferior filler flooded low-end artificial turf today, TurfSoccer but to devote themselves to come up with a five-year period ECOFILL ecological characteristics of this crystal, all-natural materials ECOFILL and grains normal size, and its force after spatial memory function and a unique shape and foam technology, forming a natural soil with very similar characteristics, there are not as natural soil compaction due to the effects of weather, wet, water, uneven. TurfSoccer will complete a course in the use of natural features and filled with all the defects of the artificial turf system, which is an integrated and systematic innovation!
Data show that, TurfSoccer artificial turf for its low consumption ensures longer life of the use of higher frequency, even after years have also guarantees 100% recycled and TurfSoccer artificial turf never appear as a single product, but in the the laying of the first to seek harmony with the environment, durable a systems engineering. No wonder that a similar high quality artificial turf products will become more and more the choice of the new football field, and in the Blatter seems "artificial turf instead of natural grass, football is a part of normal development and change."
Monday, May 27, 2013
have launched a number of multi-purpose artificial grass
For many clubs, schools and local authorities budgets and limited space, hopes to launch artificial grass can carry a variety of sports venues to market demand, some European and American artificial grass company conducted a lot of research and development and to try and have launched a number of multi-purpose artificial grass, the use of the venue and efficiency greatly enhanced.
As domestic artificial grass industry backbone enterprises, TurfSoccer lawn company also attaches great importance to customer demand, which conducted a special research and development and research; After one and half hours of concentrated study and hundreds of tests, has successfully developed a TurfSoccer multipurpose artificial grass. The lawn is characterized by a court in a variety of sports, which will effectively help you save valuable space, and to paving the budget can be controlled at a site basis.
TurfSoccer of TFH10-20mm Model multipurpose lawn, the choice of PP6600, 7400,8800 Dtex mesh; has dark green, olive green, red, yellow and other colors; good resilience, tear resistance, safe and comfortable, beautiful and durable. At the same time as basketball, tennis, volleyball, badminton, soccer and other venues.
TurfSoccer artificial grass by the U.S. authorities TSI most unleaded PONY international laboratory testing and the test does not contain heavy metals, but also through the Chinese environmental labeling certification. TurfSoccer multipurpose lawn efficient savings and safe non-toxic by the characteristics of the majority of customers praise its versatility loved by all kinds of people, to people's activity and exercise provides more opportunity to promote basketball, football, tennis and other sports project development.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
artificial lawn football pitch cost 150-160 yuan / square meters around
In recent years, with the rapid social and economic development, there is growing emphasis on health, which participate in sports activities more and more people, which requires the sports venues and sports facilities, the size should be large, more practical. Especially in schools sports venues more attention, many schools are in the re-construction of building and expanding the stadium, but for the construction of the school's football field in recent years are adopting artificial lawn instead of natural grass, artificial lawn with respect to whether the natural What advantages does the lawn, the lawn following the use of these two aspects of the construction of football field to do comparison.
Investment cost aspects
1, artificial lawn
Artificial turf domestic price of 100 yuan / square meters around, if coupled with base (lime, reinforced concrete) construction cost (60 yuan / ㎡), artificial lawn football pitch cost 150-160 yuan / square meters around. With the technological development of new varieties of artificial turf are also emerging, now abroad, there have been price of 50-70 yuan / square meters around the artificial turf, artificial turf that will move toward a more affordable direction.
2, natural turf
Current domestic natural turf market is transforming from a seller's to a buyer's market, the recent price movements great, and now the price of 10-50 yuan / square meters, between and with foreign turf there is a huge gap in the quality of foreign football stadium dedicated turf prices are still 70 euros / square meters, equivalent to RMB 500-600 yuan / ㎡. Regular basis for natural turf football field are higher, usually by the turf layer, bred layer, drainage layer and the adjustment layer 4 layer. Incubation layer contains a variety of organic growth and turf protection, drainage layer of gravel constituted by a different thickness, to maintain proper moisture, when the water content is too much excess water will drain along the bottom to drain away quickly, plus a reasonable water supply system, considering the cost of natural turf pitch and maintenance costs than the artificial lawn court are 10 to 20 times.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Fed Cup tennis tournament in the game on the artificial lawn
Fed Cup tennis tournament in the game on the artificial lawn
In accordance with the rules of the Fed Cup tennis tournament in Switzerland and Belgium team race the Swiss team the right to choose the tennis courts on the ground floor. The Swiss captain Heinz Günthardt, decided to choose the the CONICA their favorite Conipur PRO clay products as the movement of the surface layer of the venue.
The stadium must Sporthalle Wankdorf Stadium in the Swiss capital Bern City laying is completed within the specified time. The stadium laying work is completed by CONICA's cooperation partners Real Sport. The company said Conipur PRO CLAY movement surface features can be achieved absolutely flat, so athletes are relatively simple to use Steps and judge the ball rebound. Such a surface layer with a unique water storage technology, artificial lawn can guarantee a constant humidity of the stadium, the stadium does not require frequent watering. Swiss players Romina Oprandi this venue full of praise, her site assessment is simple and clear: "perfect."
Friday, May 17, 2013
artificial lawn for urban construction and human health has a variety of special features
artificial lawn for urban construction and human health has a variety of special features:
1. Air purifiers and vacuum cleaners role. Spring is the windy season, without lawn covered easily raised dust of sand everywhere, not only pollute the environment and spread disease. Lawns plants, plants low, prostrate on the ground, played a good carpet coverage, can effectively inhibit the wind raised dust. When the wind comes, the part of the dust in the air, soot, carbon particles and other industrial emissions and lead, mercury and other heavy metals pollutants adsorption to live can be a the lawn plant leaf surface villi, folds and mucus, thereby purifying the air.
2. artificial lawn soil fixation of water. Turfgrass developed root system can "grab" the soil, to avoid the wind raised dust; rainy day can be a lot to absorb moisture, the soil is not in the grass-roots rope together under the rain erosion and clogging the sewer.
3. Release oxygen, fresh air, and remove pollution. Lawn plants through photosynthesis and metabolism, absorb carbon dioxide and release fresh oxygen. Many trees and plants can absorb toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide, and some green grass can absorb air of lead, mercury and other heavy metals, and this is particularly advantageous to remove pollution, protect the environment.
4. Lawn good medical health effects. the tone of the artificial lawn is green, green is the color of health, is a symbol of life. In a green environment, can improve a person's vision, to restore visual fatigue, prevent myopia; green environment for a long period of calm nerves, slowing the pulse rate and blood flow, thereby reducing blood pressure and reduce the burden on the heart, with the passage of time, which can effectively the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Activities or take a stroll on the lawn, will make people breathing, blood flow slows down, emotional relaxation, peace of mind, which helps to eliminate stress and fatigue is very good, especially the rehabilitation of some chronic diseases.
5. Leisure and entertainment. Whenever the early morning or evening, favorite walks in the artificial lawn, exercise, fresh air on the lawn, flowers, gorgeous, beautiful environment, it is refreshing. Holidays people love to go to the park lawn, family reunion, sit, or talk to a picnic, or boxing, exercise, or play chess and card ...... In short, the lawn has become a place of leisure and entertainment indispensable. In green plant families around the world, the only lawn to withstand this pressure.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Guiyang Olympic Sports Center artificial lawn maintenance period of one week
League, even greater than the only a vegetable Golden State. This season Shaanxi and moved to Guizhou, home in Guiyang Olympic Sports Center, the end of last year, the Guiyang Sports Center just spend lots of money to the turf replaced with high-quality cool-season grass, turf seems to be very fragile, only to the second round, with Guizhou hot and humid weather, the turf is slippery, soft venues, many places above the soil, into a vegetable plot.
Guiyang Olympic Sports Center turf is constantly maintained, the official said, the monthly bill in 6 - 70000, no artificial wage enumerated. Having said that, he was with emotion: "artificial lawn is like a child, periodically nurse him (referring to fertilization), bath (clear-cut), is a bother." According to reports, Guiyang Olympic Sports Center artificial lawn maintenance period of one week, the grass cut once every three days, and then to absorb the surface of the grass clippings after fertilization. I believe Going back on track soon.
Liaozu home fell into disrepair, can be said to be a major ills in the Super League. The first round of the season liaozu against Henan Jianye, before Going Jianye headache, although the venue snow be cleared, but the turf is all yellow, below the permafrost hard even toothpick does not go in, so that players possibility of injury is greatly improved. Jianye coach after the game is Tucao defeat venue worse. Each year to the spring, the West Stadium then become potholes, the situation is even worse.
Tianhe Stadium conditions in the Super Stadium, can be regarded as the upper level, the quality of the turf said in the past, before last season Hengda home moved Tianhe, turf is has been re-replacement, but the biggest problem is that the drainage system in disrepair war to the rain water into the piece, the stadium still become a vegetable.
Friday, May 10, 2013
synthetic grass is an ideal choice for fairway lawn
3 fairway turf grass options:
For fairway turfgrass shall have the following characteristics: (1) rapid recovery capabilities; (2) suitable for mowing height of about 18mm; ⑶ dense lawn, toss good performance; (4) a strong resistance to disease, pests and, (5) uniformity, smoothness.
The fairways of the golf course can choose varieties of seashore paspalum the sarin (Paspalum Salam) or bermudagrass 328 (Bermuda 328). , The seashore paspalum sarin (Paspalum Salam) dark green color, high density, cold resistance, resistance to low trim, frost resistance, turning green early green long period of low growth, low frequency of pruning to maintain good toss state, synthetic grass is an ideal choice for fairway lawn.
4, the high grass from turfgrass options:
Turfgrass used in high grass area shall have the following characteristics: (1) provide a degree of punitive; (2) lawn dense; (3) good resistance to disease, pests and weeds good competitiveness; (4) low maintenance costs that maintained in good condition, to ensure that the course of normal business and golf sports.
High grass of the golf course can be chosen from varieties of seashore paspalum the sarin (Paspalum Salam) or Japan Zoysia (Zoysia japonica). Seashore paspalum the sarin (Paspalum Salam) color dark green, high activity, the formation of a strong and dense lawn; fine roots developed. Zoysia japonica (Zoysia japonica) very good heat and drought resistance; low tillering, outstanding abrasion resistance, a significant increase in resistance to diseases and pests. Can be correspondingly reduced irrigation frequency and reduce maintenance costs.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
synthetic turf favorite football Europeans widely accepted
Other identification method
1, the structure of the synthetic turf products, take the needle, scraping gum, color, base fabric, density appearance to observe figuring;
2, product technical indicators to identify the product test data provided to of foreign synthetic turf professional testing organizations the French LABOSPORT and European ISA, such as anti-UV, anti-aging, wear-resistant, flexible, flame retardant and prevent static electricity specific test The figures most objective assessment of product quality;
3 product "model project" to discriminate, but the model works generally through the packaging, and the general non-professionals is not easy to understand, so we can examine more than five model projects to learn about.
The 1965 built Astrodome stadium in Houston, United States is the world's first fully enclosed stadium. At that time, in order to solve the technical problems of natural grass can not grow indoors, the Astrodome, a stadium with synthetic turf, and the use of the most advanced construction technology, which is a world's first synthetic turf sports venues. Over time, synthetic turf production, installation, maintenance, technology has been rapid development in the United States, synthetic turf favorite football Europeans widely accepted. The type and performance of synthetic turf manufacturing more and more complex, delicate, meet people frequently demand for all types of events and activities held in a Synthetic turf stadium ground, makes synthetic turf during the construction and maintenance is particularly important.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
management and maintenance of artificial grass, at different times in which the state
management and maintenance of artificial grass, at different times in which the state, into the winter dormant period of the lawn is extremely fragile state, vulnerable to external injury. To establish turf protection flags, strengthen personnel patrol tube, to prevent excessive trampling of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and rolling. If a period of dormancy due to trampling rolling and wear the aerial parts of the lawn, make the underground part by frost damage and death, thereby affecting the timely green lawn for the coming year. The temperature rose, the part of the lawn will be germinating lawn start tiller, fear trampling, should as much as possible to avoid trampling, causing soil compaction, so that the lawn to form a bald spot phenomenon.
Do Lawn Maintenance management summary, labor production, plant protection, fertilization, irrigation, lawn mowers, in addition to weeds and other work comprehensive statistics, compared to the original plan, to see what kind of work is not completed, what work needs to be improved, so that conservation work further improved. Do a good job in the conclusion of last year working on the basis of annual production plan, budget, purchase of materials, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment, facilities, ready to labor, and do a good job this year the implementation of technical measures. Large sand arid regions, especially the sowing lawn should continue to make up the frozen water. The irrigation temperature is low, in order to prevent the phenomenon of ice sheet, should be watered sunny day from 10:00 to 15:00 pm, the soil can rapidly absorb, to complete the work before the temperature dropped, and timely backwater.
In addition to these measures, to protect the period of dormancy lawn but also to achieve rational fertilization, cold fire.
Cool-season lawns in the dormant winter Adding a certain amount of organic fertilizer, improve soil structure, promote beneficial microbial activity in the soil, increase temperature, enhance soil fertility, reduce disease. All localities should be read in conjunction with the local climate factors, local conditions, flexible use. Dressing fertilization should be done evenly to avoid "piebald"; trimmed lawn before fertilization, watering immediately after fertilization to prevent burn the lawn.
Laid late or late autumn sowing lawn during the winter dormancy period may be appropriate to cover such as non-woven fabrics, plastic film, ash or straw covering protection against the cold, to prevent frost damage. Winter rest period lawns have moved into the withering period, then prone to fire, especially in staff activities, particular attention should be. In addition to doing a reasonable pruning before winter, remove too thick grass cushion, but also clean up the litter on the lawn, flammable substances, could easily lead to a fire.
Friday, May 3, 2013
The high temperatures lawn management methods
The high temperatures lawn management methods
Across the country this summer high temperature alarms constantly challenges major golf course lawn. The lack of a high temperature and moisture causes the growth of turfgrass slow or even stop (stop growing better root), this such a case, Lawn low resistance and is particularly sensitive to various stresses. Lawn common agricultural management at this time may cause unexpected damage.
1) weeds: weeds often on the lawn in the face of adversity is the most obvious. The best time for the fall weed control in hot summer spraying herbicides may damage the turf.
2) fertilization: fast-acting fertilizer such as urea, ammonium sulfate mining be used with caution. Quick release fertilizer having a high salt index ", the plant can burn at high temperatures. If fertilization in the fairway, rough or other sports venues, from the safety point of view, should the use of slow-release fertilizer, or wait until a more suitable environment, such as temperature decreases after fertilization.
3) as far as possible to reduce the day-to-day management of the process of lawn turf wear: greens
a reduced mowing frequency (single cut instead of a double cut)
reduce or eliminate the comb grass root cutting operation
c Use smooth rather than grooved roll bar
reduce the frequency of mowing to clean up, staggered mowing mode
e commonly used rolling lawn instead of mowing
f careful watering, to avoid over-watering
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
artificial turf for another background application is compatible with the flowers
As the background
artificial turf to appear in the form of background in the garden layout is extremely common application form. Lawn background, in terms of rule-based layout, or natural layout which can play a very good effect, with the overall landscape scene, a very good blend together, at the same time play the role of contrast and harmony.
Which the configuration of the plant, lawn for more widespread application of the background. Designers often use a feature of a species constitute the main scene, with other species foil configuration on the lawn, the lawn has played a strong background role, give full play to its open, neat, uniform and other characteristics, contrast reconcile to highlight the main scene and with King plant landscape features, the formation of seasonal rich, flexible changes in a temperate savanna, jungle grass landscape.
artificial turf for another background application is compatible with the flowers. Flower color effects and role is indispensable in the garden layout, the very change of the color of the flowers, the flowers of different color configuration, set off each other, each other, to become Lord King and with King, and they need a flat, uniform the green lawns background to contrast; lawn piece of green canvas gave flowers arranged to create extremely favorable and convenient conditions, so as to achieve the effect of a variety of beauty.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
the artificial lawn football field use regulations
the artificial lawn football field use regulations
Jiangxi Normal University football artificial lawn maintenance To ensure the normal and orderly, reduce man-made damage to the lawn, scientific and rational use is formulated Use.
, The stadium can only be used in professional football team training schools in the neighborhood, the school's normative ball game, and other specifications agreed to by the school soccer match.
Second, the use of the stadium should be noted that frequency, training in the use of our professional football team, no more than 2 times a week, each no more than 2 hours; the large professional ball game no more than twice a month.
Stadium turf non trampled non-relevant personnel must not enter the grass, damage to the lawn.
Fourth, the stadium turf may not be used in other sports activities, javelin, shot put, discus, etc. shall not be used for training and competition.
Fifth, the use of the athletics track around the pitch related personnel shall enter the lawn.
Artificial lawn of the stadium may not be used in large-scale events, such as concerts, large-scale performances.
Stadium managers should pay attention to the Stadium personnel management, non-related personnel to enter should be promptly advised to leave.
Golf course turf irrigation time should avoid the use of the normal irrigation hours 2 times a day during the high temperature, morning 6:00-6:40, 18:30-19:10 pm; non-high temperature during the day 1 or 2 days times, the time is 12:00-12:40.
Nine, generally the large end of the game, replanting turf maintenance unit in serious damage to the artificial lawn, lawn survival during use should be prohibited.
Lawn during the season, the maintenance unit sowing grass seed, grass seed germination growth stage (winter grass ryegrass sowing growing season each year October 15-November 15, 2009; summer grass Bermuda, planting The time for the annual April 10-May 10) prohibited the use of lawn.
11, during the sowing grass seed, the stadium caregivers should strengthen care, forbids any person to enter on the grass.
12, golf course management, use, maintenance units should strengthen communication and contact, the large end of the game shall promptly notify the maintenance unit for maintenance work.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The conservation management features of the football pitch synthetic grass
The conservation management features of the football pitch synthetic grass
The sports turf conservation including irrigation, fertilization, pruning, pest prevention, each not go very important.
Timely irrigation, to make the soil moisture content is greater than evaporation, in the case of good soil drainage system should be every day sprinkler irrigation, hot seasons sprinkler to cool.
2, proper fertilization, in the case of a good the Ping bed matrix, the early stages of planting without fertilization, the principles of post-fertilization is a low-nitrogen, of phosphorus, high potassium (ratio of N: P: K = 10:15:30) years fertilizer 20 to 40g/m2.
3, moderate pruning: floor space when turfgrass growth to 5 ~ 6cm to start pruning, each pruning intensity does not exceed 30%, mowing height of 3 to 5cm, pruning should pay attention to the direction, to avoid pruning several times in the same direction.
Timely pest control: especially in the summer, after each game should be immediately spraying insecticide, should pay attention to disease prevention in high temperature, high humidity conditions.
5, other conservation: topdressing, soil, sowing, replace the turf, perforated ventilation, and so on.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
synthetic turf factory site visits
synthetic turf factory site visits
Currently, there are many brands of synthetic turf are OEM products, fundamentally can not guarantee the quality of the product. Some users in order to map the convenience of the moment, often obviate this important link, allowing the user Hills to buy cattle "feeling. You know, often is this link, you can enable users a more intuitive understanding of vendors strength, also can learn the technical quality of products, delivery, and so forth. Thus, I suggest that the user may wish to determine Synthetic turf products, the production base of manufacturers fieldwork.
In addition, the synthetic turf venue Bid Project, most of the users are using the practices specified products directly. For example, to specify a synthetic turf brand, so as to grasp the good procurement Off, the fundamental guarantee for the quality of the synthetic turf products. This practice has been affirmed in the industry and users. Any practice can not go to the extreme, for example, very few users to choose by specifying the grass fibers Synthetic Turf, this approach is very wrong. You know, the impact on the the Synthetic turf venue quality of the factors is very much grass fiber is just one factor, therefore, this one-sided approach is not desirable.
Dear friends, I hope I have the introduction of synthetic turf enables you to be aware of synthetic turf, sincerely wish that the user can choose the right Synthetic turf products, synthetic turf venue has a real "movement is full of love".
Sunday, April 21, 2013
the International Hockey Association is required must hockey game on artificial grass
Quality artificial grass due to the use of chemical fiber materials, asphalt or concrete as a grass-roots level, resulting in hardness of artificial grass, the ball is too fast, the bounce rate is too high, the athlete increased the difficulty of control of the ball.
Security artificial grass surface temperature variation, especially in the summer, studies have found that the maximum temperature up to 52 ° C, such a high temperature on the athletes and personal safety will be a great impact. In addition, artificial grass surface solid buffer performance is poor, also easily lead to the athletes ankle and knee injuries.
As each pitch difference in build quality, type and lawn surface homogeneity, artificial grass and natural grass, and no specific scientific statistics on the use of performance. However, more professional athletes still prefer to race on natural grass. FIFA clearly does not permit international football matches on artificial grass, the technical team must change significantly because of the differences in the characteristics of the artificial grass and natural grass. On the other hand, the International Hockey Association is required must hockey game on artificial grass, because the consistency of the artificial grass ideal for the game moving surfaces.
Recent years, with artificial grass manufacturing materials, weaving, filling material aspects of improvement, with the difference between the natural grass shrinking. The 21st century, the use of artificial grass rationalize its use in international competitions has gradually been recognized.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The artificial turf is a similar carpet fibers.
The artificial turf is a similar carpet fibers. The first-generation artificial turf like a carpet, low pile turf synthetic filament, the bottom covered with sand. The disadvantage is that can not be good to hold, can only above the exercise relatively low-intensity activity. Technology innovation second-generation artificial turf grass, sand, rubber powder, sediment composed almost entirely visual simulation of living grass.
Different sports, Artificial Turf top layer of material is also different. The most common polypropylene and polyethylene fibers, and combinations thereof fiber. The polypropylene fiber is relatively hard, when athletes in the above activities, easy bruising; Polyethylene is a soft fiber, relatively smooth, it is generally the top layer of polyethylene, so as not to make the athletes injured.
The type of artificial turf class there are different kinds of fibers, the base mass is also different. Sometimes short fiber artificial turf carpet than long fibers artificial turf carpet is expensive.
Plastic pile, has good durability. The filler is quartz sand and powder, with high strength and comfort. The substrate is made of polyethylene, having the durability and the role of the vertical drainage.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
China's artificial lawn astonishing speed.
artificial lawn originated in the sixties of the last century, the United States, for the purpose is mainly used for outdoor decoration, to change the outdoor environment. Referred to on the market for leisure grass, decorative grass or ornamental grasses. Stadium dedicated grass, originated in the seventies of the last century, Australia, referred to on the market movement of grass. Due to the the total broad market prospects and diversification of functions, to bring real development of artificial lawn.
Ours is a small-scale production began in the early 1990s, leisure grass. Until 2001, began to plant Hugh sterile venue with the movement of grass, but in a few short years, China's artificial lawn astonishing speed. China artificial lawn fiber blanket integration class enterprise in the third phase of rapid growth and development, including the first three of the largest one in the world 2009 global ranking. In China the artificial lawn export volume in 2009 exceeded the total domestic market.
Today there are still some owners is how to choose the high standard, quality and reliable lawn products in doubt, in fact, the FIFA site certification enterprise is the highest guarantee of product quality. Makers as football grass the highest standards of performance, FIFA has increased the artificial lawn promotional efforts, to improve the overall quality level of the venue, especially for developing countries outside of Europe, FIFA's support and Under the influence artificial lawn of performance in different regions, especially in developing countries has been largely improved.
Currently, artificial lawn has been favored by the schools, organizational units, sports stadiums and other public places. At the same time, because the artificial lawn carpet not only non-slip, dust, easy to clean, and seemed to be a real grass, greening feeling now become ordinary furniture, decorative items, and ordinary people alike, so artificial lawn market prospects optimistic, this is also the artificial lawn manufacturers continue to emerge, the reason of the rapid development of the industry.
Mosaic lawn woven lawn, leaf-shaped fiber length is longer and larger changes, from 12mm to 55mm, and can be adjusted according to the specific needs. Grass filled with quartz sand, rubber granules or a mixture of both, appearance and traits is closer to natural grass, indoor and outdoor installation. Woven lawn use more nylon woven and finished into blanket-like. Compared with mosaic fascicles lawn, the woven artificial lawn production process is complex and relatively expensive, large lawn surface hardness, buffer performance is not good, but good lawn uniformity, strong and durable.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
the appearance of synthetic grass can not only be designed according to their own preferences
the appearance of synthetic grass can not only be designed according to their own preferences, and easy to install, cheap, kind of a real tree, long service life, the time and effort of the bill will be very troublesome, With synthetic grass greatly reduced the time can save, and the appearancethat can be decorated with a variety of trinkets, the most prominent landscape simulation tree simulation flowers, gradually become scientific process level, so that a variety of realistic high quality synthetic grass turned out to bring in the New Yearmore bright future.
Winter comes, the weather is cold. The people have put on a heavy coat, and carefully you will find street trees put on a coat warm, in various forms, such as confining on straw, while others are coated with a layer of white protective layer put pest more even for the trees put up protective frame, shelter and shelter cloth, warm, cold. Because the trees of life, and if there is no living trees did not need such.
Some streets dressed synthetic grass, you do not need to do the above heavy work. Plus these precautionary measures will not affect the appearance, the synthetic grass all year round, so keep beautiful "face". Take real tree winter compared with synthetic grass, synthetic grass looks like even better!
Maintained in the new year, a better vision and blessings, why not take a simulation tree or simulation flowers for your home, hotels, shopping malls, roads and even room to bring joy and warm wishes.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
such as Australia, Canberra synthetic turf per capita has an area of 70 square meters
Information about cities in Western developed countries, such as Australia, Canberra synthetic turf per capita has an area of 70 square meters, 44 square meters in Moscow, Russia, Stockholm, Sweden, 80 square meters. The lawn is one of the ten pillar industries of agriculture in the United States, there are over 20,000 golf course, the annual output value of about $ 50 billion in annual consumption of grass about 30 million tons.
Obviously, synthetic turf industry with the development of economic and social simultaneous development is a big trend, large international or national activities have undoubtedly become a "catalyst" to accelerate its development. Such as the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Expo, driven not only stadium construction, but also to promote the renovation and construction of the overall urban environment, to promote the production and trade of the lawn and related equipment, and its role in boosting the development of the turf industry is comprehensive and in-depth 's.
In recent years, the enthusiasm of the large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Qingdao, Weihai and grass continuously improve demolitions Zhilv see the seam insert green move frequently launched. For example, Xidan Cultural Square in Beijing, Shanghai People's Square blockbuster "gold" land to grass Shop green Zhengzhou City put a unified block units of the People's Park, the zoo and other hotel or other Menlian removed, increasing green space.
Currently in China, in general, a high level of economic development in the region, often the synthetic turf industry or. These areas, including Beijing, Shanghai and the surrounding region, Shandong Peninsula, Yunnan Kunming, Yuxi (mainly), the Pearl River Delta, Dalian and so on. In recent years, there are several areas of the lawn industry gradually developed, such as Chengdu and the surrounding area, Hubei, Chongqing and other places.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
6O years of the 20th century, the bare land soccer field artificial grass football field.
6O years of the 20th century, the bare land soccer field artificial grass football field. Turf soccer spectacle, the sight of soft, green and pleasant, sunny day no dust, muddy after the rain does not have a protective effect on the body, especially the green turf soccer beauty of the cerebral cortex of the athletes and fans will have a good stimulus inspiration, inspiration, imagination, improve nerve function. Experts in statistics, a high level soccer team in the football field of bare ground game, low mood, the spirit of the repressed, not only playing balls can not give full play to mistakes than the green grass of the football field, and the field increased by 2-3 times, fans ball Hing also will be greatly reduced. Turf football field of the new century is a smart, green and beautiful and ecological type, will be competitive with the green, as the organic integration of the movement and processing of lawn landscape integration, giving the United States enjoy.
Smart turf football field enables venues to do freely irrigation, precision pouring layer design, ordered pebbles, slag stone, sand and grass fertile soil, turf layer arrangement, even after a heavy rainstorm rainwater will drain away quickly, not affect the competition, they will not be playing water polo. Soccer field artificial grass sprinkler system uses buried automatic lift, the nozzle fixed buried inside underground sprinkler pop up, sprayed Bi retracted, the full set of sprinkler irrigation system with microcomputer automatic control, according to the climatic characteristics of the different stages of programming , time, and quantity to meet the turfgrass water demand requirements, ease of operation, a high degree of spray evenly, saving labor. Football Field Turf requires a long period of green throughout the year, the trampling resistance, restorative domestic Stadium proportion of the different varieties of mixed sowing, weaknesses, has basically reached the green, as the standard, the only downside is the A A A B league spring in northern stadium, due lawn late turning green, yellow, and green mottled venue too unpleasant, the lawn Ergonomist has begun to explore the use of mulching, buried on the hotline, increased ground temperature and other measures to promote grass turning green early.
Grass pattern horizontal format with wide bars, sports atmosphere, this technology has been mastered by domestic venues conservation officers. Foreign football field lined vertical grid, cross grid, slash grid, spiral like guise, is better. The football field is where people gather in public places, to strengthen the concept of environmental protection, building an eco-lawn, enhanced stress resistance turfgrass varieties; microbial fertilizer regulation changes in soil microbial communities. Increased content of beneficial bacteria in the soil; controlling pest occurrence can not use odor and drift of chemical pesticides to use insecticidal, fungicidal, herbicides must follow the efficient, safe, pollution and so on principle, and vigorously promote the use of bio-pesticides, real citizens have a green artificial grass football field of environmental protection and ecological.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The artificial lawn of the stadium tennis court lawn Golf
The artificial lawn of the stadium tennis court lawn Golf
Enterprises mainly produces series of products applicable to other types of soccer fields, tennis courts, hockey rink, golf greens and other sports venues. Series artificial lawn with brand four decades of superior product quality and excellent service, has received dozens of international authority Athletic Association certification. At the same time the company has spared no effort to promote the development of sports undertakings in China, the first in China by the FIFA FIFA Award laboratory testing and certification will provide strong support for the healthy development of the industry of artificial lawn.
Reviews of commonly used materials: artificial lawn, artificial lawn ★ sports venues advantages of artificial lawn playground overall layout of the beautiful, the use of high life of up to 10 years, and the durability and easy maintenance, can weather continued use. ★ artificial lawn material environmental, construction finished, fixed duration, quality is easy to observe simple acceptance, without much expertise. ★ artificial lawn breathable permeable, laying in the hard soil or concrete foundation on the basis of quality not ask for much, not afraid to crack, no blistering delamination worry, both simple and economic. ★ artificial lawn filled with quartz sand, play a role in protecting the grass, the grass is more durable. ★ artificial lawn maintenance is simple, low maintenance costs, rinse with water to remove dirt and has not fade, no deformation characteristics. ★ artificial lawn high rate of use of the site, and that good damping, noise-free, safe, non-toxic, flexible, flame-retardant properties, very suitable for use in schools, the best activities, training and competition venues.
artificial lawn Scope: football field, the runway of track and field, baseball field, hockey rink, football field, swimming pool surrounding, leisure venues.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
TurfSoccer joint number units jointly organized by the Forum of the artificial turf industry in 2011
TurfSoccer joint number units jointly organized by the Forum of the artificial turf industry in 2011
Body during the fair in 2010, Tan card TurfSoccer with partners co-hosted the first Forum of the artificial turf industry ", in support of our customers, the conference was a complete success, but also for the healthy development of the industry as a whole provides a strong role in promoting.
In order to further strengthen the exchanges and cooperation of the industry, the Tan card TurfSoccer and partners in the success of the meeting on the basis of last year, will be held in May 2011 organized by the body during the fair in Chengdu 2011 Forum of the artificial turf industry, some of the industry more in-depth study and exploration.
Compared with the first session of the forum will highlight the depth and new ideas. The participants will be more extensive, FIFA, Party A user, grounds maintenance side participation will cover the entire industrial chain in the true sense of the Forum. Content, the forum will provide participants the guests to share the most advanced sports venue construction technology and experience, China is going to invest heavily in rugby venues pavement technical guidance policy for artificial turf, as well as the most professional, FIFA artificial turf maintenance knowledge, and so on, so that the guests can truly get help.
As a sponsor, the Tan card TurfSoccer companies and partners will endeavor to hold a high-specification, high-end event, will be invited to many international and domestic well-known institutions, including the China Educational Instrument & Equipment Association, FIFA, Labosport. Participate in the Chinese industry the Tongren development to provide state-of-the-art experience and ideas.
To the common progress of the industry in order to make the event more exciting, we sincerely welcome industry friends to come to this forum, we all work together, brainstorming, and jointly promote the development of the industry.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
The German SMG synthetic grass cleaning maintenance vehicle escort for the Olympic venues
The German SMG synthetic grass cleaning maintenance vehicle escort for the Olympic venues
Beijing Olympic Sports Center in order to meet the national hockey team for Beijing training to adapt to the venue as soon as possible to earn more medals for the country, after an open tender to buy the world's most advanced synthetic grass cleaning and maintenance car from Germany SMG hockey venue for the day-to-day maintenance . Site maintenance staff being SMGsynthetic grass clean the handlebars just by dust storms eroded clean as new.
In addition, the Olympic site contractors --- Wuxi TurfSoccer company, in order to escort to the Olympics, but also purchased the synthetic grass maintenance vehicle used for maintenance of the Beijing Workers' Stadium and the Olympic Park venues. Before the arrival of the Beijing Olympic Games to provide clean and comfortable venue for national athletes.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Pakistan hockey team Olympic training base for the duration of the delay
Pakistan hockey team Olympic training base for the duration of the delay
Because the company responsible for the construction of the project can not be completed within the stipulated period, the National Hockey Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan to cancel the contract signed with the engineering blue synthetic turf installed.
"Organizer Swallow the Company in accordance with the provisions of the construction of the project should be completed by June 15, 2012, but the company clean up the wear and tear of the shock pad this work to waste a month's time after the final could not be completed on schedule." Tuesday local a Sports Bureau spokesman said. Local government - alongside the Ministry of Provincial dedicated funding for the Pakistan cricket team is preparing for the London Olympics and the new one in line with the international song associated standard and the color of the Olympic Games in London with a blue synthetic turf pitch of 3.5 million rupees (local currency). But the organizer of the delay on the plan and the company's boss, Usman Afridi weak execution hinders the completion of the entire program.
The spokesman said the physical education department of the local government had repeatedly requested this project to speed up the construction progress and the progress reported daily, but the company is unable to complete every task in the plan. Cancel the agreement entered into with the prior the final Board determined after a series of formal hearings and court arbitration.
Swallow the contract after local sports authorities canceled chose the original bid scores second company - TS Builder. TS Builder TurfSoccer company agents in Pakistan. TurfSoccer company is a world-renowned manufacturer of synthetic turf. TS Builder is required as soon as possible to complete the construction work of the stadium, to secure Pakistan's national hockey team to be able to adapt to the blue hockey venues before the London Olympics.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Futsal artificial lawn football field
Futsal artificial lawn football field
A golf course
(A) artificial lawn stadium size
The venue must be rectangular, the sidelines length must be longer than the length of the goal line.
Length: 25 m -42 m
Width: 15 m -25 m
International competitions:
Length: 38 m -42 m
Width: 18 m -22 m
(B) artificial lawn venue
Court surface must be flat, suitable hardness, in order not to harm the athletes and does not affect the ball normal stretch and athletes of the principle.
The general soil with sand and mud mixed flatten cm thickness of the surface covered with fine sand before the game to keep the venue watering the ground surface moist principle.
(C) Boundary
artificial lawn venues should draw the boundaries, the width of the line shall be 8 cm.
The boundaries are divided into a sideline, goal line, the center line, the Circle Line, the penalty area line, replace the District Line.
Called midline link two short-term goal is the goal line to link the two long lines of the goal line called sideline across the stadium intermediate link the two edges, a significant mark in the midline in stipple and as the center of the circle, 3 meters radius to draw a circle called the center circle.
(D) the penalty area
Take a mid-point at the goal line between the two goalposts, and midpoint of a circle, the radius of 6 meters connected to the post on both sides of the goal line to draw an arc to the venue, this arc with the ball The area formed by the six-lane called the penalty area (the stadium width is available in more than 25 m radius of 7 meters, a width of 15-20 meters with a radius of 5 m).
(E) the penalty spot
The goal line to take a midpoint between the two goal post, cited as a marker point of a vertical line with the arc intersects the arc to the penalty area, called the penalty spot.
(F) to replace the area
Set the degree of replacement players on the pitch side of the line, to the midline subject to both sides of 3 m perpendicular to the sideline at each draw a line 80 cm long, 40 cm painting inside the venue, 40 cm painting in the over-the-counter, the provisions of athletes replace the approach area.
(Vii) the goal
Goal set in the center of the two goal lines. Distance of 3 meters by the two inner upright post and a 2 m above the ground along the horizontal beams are connected. Are 8 cm width of the post and crossbar. Net, net, and the goal post, goal post hanging beams should have some space, and without affecting the goalkeeper, and easy to observe the ball door principle. The goal can be fixed, and can also move.
(Viii) Lighting
Evening game, the stadium in the border line than 1.5 meters to establish a light pole 3-4 rod, each rod in more than six meters in height, the light levels of 500 watts or more (including 500 watts).
(9) block
Stadium four weeks along six lines of the ball, sideline than 1.5 meters to establish rod hang blocking, more than 6 meters height.
(Ten) seats
Sidelines seats (or fixed seats) required beyond 1.5 meters from the sideline.
Second, the data requirements
Second penalty spot: away from the goal line 10m.
The corner arc: each angle to a radius of 25cm 1/4 round;
Tag line from the corner arc 5m;
The substitutions District markings 5m-80cm (40cm / 40cm);
The beginning from the midline 5m;
Width: goal: the goal (the inside pitch) 3m
High: (along the beams to the ground) 2m
Net: upper 80cm / lower end 100cm
, Artificial lawn venues resolution
The length of the goal line 15-16 meters of the stadium, the radius of the arc of the penalty area, only 4 meters. In the location of the stadium, free throw point is not in the boundary of the free-throw area, still position of a midpoint in the distance between the two goalposts 6 meters, and with the two goalposts distance equal.
2. General the game stadium surface for natural turf, artificial turf or dirt, but not be used as a golf course of international competitions.
Outside the goal line in the stadium arc 5 m uniform vertical line from the corner area. Kick corner kick really do keep players maintain this distance. The width of the vertical line of 8 cm.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
artificial lawn Investment Analysis
artificial lawn Investment Analysis
artificial lawn industry investment analysis report for the investment behavior of an investment subject in artificial lawn industry, its product solutions, technical solutions, management and market, as well as input and output is expected to analyze and select a process. In various investment fields, in order to reduce investment mistakes and risk of investors, each investing activities must be serious, rigorous considerations and argumentation. Investment Analysis Report is the use of a variety of theories and methods of analysis and evaluation of artificial lawn, take advantage of the wealth of information and data, qualitative and quantitative combined, a full range of analysis and evaluation of the the artificial lawn industries investment behavior. The purpose of the investment analysis through the analysis and evaluation of artificial lawn industry investment projects, technology, products, markets, and financial aspects, and by the expected return on investment as well as investment risk much, and then make the appropriate investment decisions. For investors, the artificial lawn Industry Investment Analysis Report is an investment decision support tool, it provides a comprehensive system, objective analysis platform for investors or decision-making.
The artificial lawn Investment main content of reports, including industry connotation Profile, industry development, environmental analysis, industry supply and demand situation of economic operation of
Analysis, industry, industry analysis, industry competition pattern analysis, the industry regional market analysis, industry segments, the main competition of the industry analysis, assessment of industry marketing strategy analysis, industry market prospects, industry market risk assessment, the industry regional market investment opportunities industry segment investment opportunities. To reveal artificial lawn industry investment risk and enter / exit barriers, judgment artificial lawn industry investment opportunities, and gives the final investment advice.
artificial lawn industry investment analysis report is an important basis for investors when making investment decisions, the requirement to understand their investment behavior based on the macro-environment for the development of the industry background of artificial lawn, artificial lawn industry, micro-environment for the development of related industries, geographic prospects and value, location, resources and capabilities, SWOT details of the market, sales strategy, financial evaluation, project value estimates to better reflect the investment behavior analysis study, to draw more scientific and objective conclusions.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
we detailed introduce artificial grass is how to define
artificial grass now increasingly popular, Wuxi TurfSoccer the professional artificial grass company. TurfSoccer engaged in the construction of artificial grass has a 10-year-old, has a professional technical team has reached more than 20 individuals. Professional, focused, TurfSoccer widely in the community received customer recognition. Developed in the artificial grass today, there are a lot of customers do not know that artificial grass is how to define, we detailed introduce artificial grass is how to define.
First artificial turf chemical synthetic fiber woven into one of the available alternative to natural grass sports performance chemical materials, artificial grass artificial grass sports and leisure artificial grass can be divided into.
1, artificial turf sports: synthesis of man-made fibers and other chemical materials processing machinery and equipment with modern, professional way to meet the demand for professional sports facilities, and a chemical alternative to natural grass sports performance products. Typically used for the construction of sports venues, such as football, tennis, hockey, track.
Leisure artificial grass machinery and equipment of the modern professional man-made fibers and other chemical materials processing synthesis with high simulation, high environmental protection, long life and other performance characteristics to meet the demand for leisure decoration Chemicals. Commonly used in building roofs, indoor modeling, courtyard views, shopping store decoration and playgrounds surrounding. . . .
First artificial turf chemical synthetic fiber woven into one of the available alternative to natural grass sports performance chemical materials, artificial grass artificial grass sports and leisure artificial grass can be divided into.
1, artificial turf sports: synthesis of man-made fibers and other chemical materials processing machinery and equipment with modern, professional way to meet the demand for professional sports facilities, and a chemical alternative to natural grass sports performance products. Typically used for the construction of sports venues, such as football, tennis, hockey, track.
Leisure artificial grass machinery and equipment of the modern professional man-made fibers and other chemical materials processing synthesis with high simulation, high environmental protection, long life and other performance characteristics to meet the demand for leisure decoration Chemicals. Commonly used in building roofs, indoor modeling, courtyard views, shopping store decoration and playgrounds surrounding. . . .
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Playground with artificial turf benefits
Playground with artificial turf benefits
1 why natural turf better than artificial turf? artificial turf weather venue, completely free from rain, snow, weather. In the cold, high temperature, altitude and extreme climate regions.
Easily broken natural lawn artificial turf adopted the principle of bionics, the movement's Jiaogan rebound speed of the ball is very close to natural lawn, and has good water 20 minutes after a heavy rain, water will be clean.
3, artificial turf in addition to a variety of excellent performance with natural turf, also has special wear-resistant characteristics, artificial turf is recommended to use the following 5MM spikes.
Heaven lawn laying the complex artificial turf does not fade durable, easy maintenance, do not ask for much foundation construction, asphalt, cement and hard sand, and the cycle is short, particularly suitable for training a long time, the use of a high density of primary and secondary venue.
5 natural grass short service life. anti-UV polyethylene artificial turf, the stability of 100 kcal / m 2 / annual global radiation equivalents regions a shelf life of six years.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Good quality artificial lawn has anti-aging, anti-fading function and anti-friction
Fake lawn suitable for indoor and outdoor use, both ground laid in decorative and practical paving material. Its use of plastic raw materials production, non-toxic, odorless, and recyclable. Good quality artificial lawn has anti-aging, anti-fading function and anti-friction, the useful life of up to 3-8 years. Customers should be based on different occasions, the use of the environment and staff form of exercise, to buy its corresponding artificial lawn products, making it better suited to laying and use requirements.
Features and Benefits:
Fake lawn in addition to the excellent performance of natural turf, but also particularly wear-resistant, colorful once with the surrounding environment and buildings supporting overall modernization color.
Fake lawn prolonged does not fade, easy maintenance, low-foundation requirements, short construction period, the construction does not pollute the surrounding environment, the normal life of 3-8 years, the new high-tech sports building materials pet for the majority of users.
3. Artificial turf also has excellent physical and chemical properties, the artificial turf after wear testing of hundreds of thousands of times, the fiber weight lost only 2% to 3%. In addition, tension, water permeability, high elasticity, about 20 minutes after heavy rain can drain clean.
At the same time, it can be the preparation of raw materials, according to the different parts of the climate characteristics turf adaptable to use in the cold, high temperature, altitude and climate region.
Leisure artificial lawn:
A focus on leisure artificial lawn decoration artificial lawn products. Its bright color, rich colors, can play the role of visual pleasure. Its mainly used for outdoor ground, the roof and even the slope, wall and other wall and floor surface, the purpose of of utility laying and decorative laying. Green with artificial lawn has a high degree of simulation and durability, and has been widely used for green space instead of real grass.
Leisure grass applications: roof garden / pool / nursery / courtyard / playground / park / street / road
Sports artificial lawn:
Artificial lawn for sports in the roll-out of many sports venues. Its rough turf, powerful, anti-aging, abrasion, maintenance-free, after the rain can also be put into use immediately. For different sports venues to match different types of artificial lawn products, the use of more reasonable, more secure, in line with the physiological requirements of human motion, more humane.
Sports grass applications: football field / playground / Sports / runway / tennis courts / door stadium / field hockey / basketball court / golf / large amount of exercise venue / Futsal Stadium
Thursday, March 14, 2013
synthetic grass football stadium venues based basic stability, and does not collapse
The venue has played a vital role in the basis for synthetic grass space. Venue based flatness, stability and drainage will affect the effect of the use of synthetic grass venues.
synthetic grass for infrastructure and standards. Currently used in synthetic grass sports venues basis of the type of asphalt concrete, waterproof concrete type, gravel base and thirty-seven soil foundation. Choose what kind of foundation type and drainage system is considering the functional requirements and economic conditions of the venue. The requirements of the international football bodies venue is steady and stable, recommended asphalt base, multi-select drainage pipeline, cold weather region hopes to increase geothermal systems. The ordinary stadium or school playground is actually multi-select the Turtle structure outside the drainage structure, consider the basis of the life of the construction as well as convergence with plastic venues based domestic Stadium applied asphalt concrete foundation is relatively common.
The site should be designed in accordance with local geological report of the sports venues, the location of the annual precipitation and maximum precipitation, the location of the site to inspect. synthetic grass sports venues based on artificial turf into the carrier, and the quality is good or bad will directly affect the performance of the entire synthetic grass football pitches.
synthetic grass football stadium venues based basic stability, and does not collapse. According to its structure can be divided into a variety of surface: asphalt concrete surface layer, reinforced concrete surface limestone surface, and seeds stone surface layer.
Asphalt surface is more popular in the country, which itself has a waterproof, can not direct water penetration inclined to rely on the venue slope drainage. In the rain when the venue stagnant water together into a small water, resulting in the loss of the quartz sand, rubber granules lawn to the edge of space will be too much water, stagnant water in a short period of time is not easy to discharge. Reinforced concrete surface layer there are also the same problem.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
synthetic turf venue before use to spread the load should be prohibited fireworks, timely and clean
Game preparation
synthetic turf venue before use to spread the load should be prohibited fireworks, timely and clean.
1) painting
No one will reach a "lasting", the appropriate use of these coatings can endure a quarter. Paint latex paint should belong to a super soft and strong adsorption
Painted steps
a) paint dry venue
b) recommend the best lawn temperature at 18 ℃ to 30 ℃
c) to be as clean as possible venues
d) on the lawn of the thickness of the coating is very important to try to avoid paint paint too thick. The proportion of paint diluted to appropriate.
e) coatings to be dry is very important, the best finished paint drying time of 48 hours, before the site into use
Note: Do not use a brush or roller to the venue lacquered
2) watering
On many occasions, the coaches, the players, as well as training staff in the use of synthetic turf during often the lawn wet in order to make the temperature drop. This measure is very useful, because the weather is very hot, wet sports venues will soon evaporate water, to achieve the purpose of reducing lawn temperature. In the same region, the temperature of the wet synthetic turf and natural grass is the same. Evaporation of fast, pay attention to the prolonged use of the venue should be extra sprinkle some water.
Note: pouring wet grounds wet surface can be, do not soak the lawn or saturated Do not use contaminated water.
2) Other special patch
A) cigarette burns
Usually cigarettes will melt fiber top and hard spots. Use a metal brush (scraping paint) scrub the spots, if you can not brush brush with a knife and then cut off the spots
B) empty point
These parts of the lawn filler compared to the entire site to be sparse, usually after every fill some time before being found. These areas can not see, but similar to the depressions, like the feeling when walking on the lawn there will be patches of empty point region should do
- Continue to brush the entire site again, this step is very important
- A rubber filling in a specific null point is very thin, and some local and be swept into the fiber, again finishing lawn particles
- Cleaning the entire site again
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